We develop novel (e.g. multi-phase PIV) and combine (e.g. LIF) state-of-the-art laser-based techniques into innovative measurement systems for the simultaneous acquisition of the turbulent flow field of the gaseous and dispersed phases as well as various reacting scalars. We apply the developed diagnostics to highly turbulent reacting multiphase flows. Due to the complexity, the diagnostic systems are predominantly fixed installed while the measurement object (e.g. burner, spray channel) is traversed. We regularly use the following diagnostics for a large number of examinations.
- Particle image velocimetry (PIV) for turbulent gas-phase flows
- Phosphorescence-based PIV for velocity measurements in multiphase flows
- Laser induced fluorescence (LIF) for the measurement of reactive scalars in the gas phase
- Laser induced fluorescence (LIF) for liquid phase detection
- Elastic light scattering (ELS) for detection of the dispersed phase.
- Phase Doppler interferometry (PDI) for drop size, drop velocity and liquid loading characterization
- Shadowgraphy for the description of the primary breakdown of fuel sprays and global spray pattern
- Chemiluminescence to determine, for example, the flame lift-off height, position and penetration
- Structured laser illumination for planar imaging (SLIPI) for 2D measurement of droplet size and liquid loading.
In addition, a large number of probe measurements such as thermocouples, pressure sensors and exhaust gas sampling probes are added. The above measurement techniques are used in various experimental setups, including:
- Burner systems
- Injection and flow channel
- Wall film test rig
Additional information / Get involved
If you are interested in our project, have further questions, or would like to support us through student work, internships, or thesis projects, we would be delighted to hear from you via email or phone. Contact details can be found below.

Fabian Hampp
Dr.Junior Research Group Leader