
Institute of Combustion Technology for Aerospace Engineering

Hier finden Sie eine Liste der am IVLR veröffentlichten Publikationen.

IVLR Publications

  1. Maucher, C., Kang, Y., Bechler, S., Ruf, M., Steeb, H., Möhring, H.-C., & Hampp, F. (2024). Towards bespoke gas permeability by functionally graded structures in laser-based powder bed fusion of metals. Additive Manufacturing.
  2. Kang, Y., & Hampp, F. (2024). Effect of Swirl-Afflicted Turbulence on Pressure Swirl Spray in High-Momentum Jet-Stabilized Burners. In 16th International Workshop on Measurement and Computation of Turbulent Nonpremixed Flames (TNF).
  3. Kang, Y., Ahn, J., & Hampp, F. (2024). Low Swirl Effect on Compact Spray and Combustion Systems Using Additive Manufactured Dual Airblast Injectors. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power.
  4. Jose, B., & Hampp, F. (2024). ML-augmented diagnostics for feature extraction. In 16th International Workshop on Measurement and Computation of Turbulent Nonpremixed Flames (TNF).
  5. Jose, B., & Hampp, F. (2024). Machine learning based spray process quantification. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 172(February), Article February.
  6. Jose, B., & Hampp, F. (2024). ML-based diagnostics on experimental data. In Measurement and Observation Techniques for Aerospace Research.
  7. Hampp, F., Schäfer, D., & Lammel, O. (2024). Spray flame characterisation under lean blow-out conditions. Combustion and Flame.
  8. Hampp, F. (2024). IVLR DataVerse on ML-augmented diagnostics. In DaRUS.
  9. Griebel, P., Hampp, F., Lückerath, R., Lammel, O., Grein, T., Sallinen, R., Vilja, J., & Sandberg, K. (2024). Evaluation of Current and Future Aviation Fuels at High-Pressure RQL-Type Combustor Conditions. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power.
  10. Kang, Y., & Hampp, F. (2023). Quantification of Spray Experiments via Machine Learning. In Statusseminar SimTech.
  11. Kang, Y., & Hampp, F. (2023, September). Experimental Characterisation of Pressure Swirl and Airblast Sprays in Multiscale Turbulence. 32nd ILASS Europe Conference.
  12. Jose, B., & Hampp, F. (2023). Physics-informed domain randomisation for synthetic training data generation. In 9th WAW Workshop Machine Learning.
  13. Jose, B., & Hampp, F. (2023). DNN model development for experimental characterisation of multi-phase flows. In Statusseminar SimTech.
  14. Jose, B., & Hampp, F. (2023, September). Machine learning based spray process quantification. 32nd ILASS Europe Conference.
  15. Jose, B., & Hampp, F. (2023, Oktober). Training computer vision models without labelled data using physics informed domain randomisation. Int. Conf. on Data-Integrated Simulation Science.
  16. Hampp, F., Schäfer, D., & Lammel, O. (2023). Spray Flame Characterization of a Dual Injector for Compact Combustion Systems. Combustion Science and Technology.
  17. Hampp, F. (2023). Panel discussion: Fuel flexibility and H2-enrichment in gas turbine engines. In 15th International Workshop on Measurement and Computation of Turbulent Nonpremixed Flames (TNF).
  18. Hampp, F., Schäfer, D., & Lammel, O. (2023, September). Liquid fuel combustion for compact GT combustors. 31st Deutscher Flammentag.
  19. Jose, B., Geigle, K. P., & Hampp, F. (2022). Supervised learning without labelling: Applied domain randomization on scientific images. In 8th WAW Workshop Machine Learning.
  20. Hampp, F. (2022). Experimental data-driven flow simulations. In Statusseminar SimTech.
  21. Hampp, F. (2022). Machine Learning-based Data Analysis for Optical Diagnostics. In LACSEA.
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